A Republican Supreme Court Nominee Lied in a Senate Confirmation Hearing

by Bob Schwartz

ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct
Rule 3.3 – Candor Toward The Tribunal
(a) A lawyer shall not knowingly: (1) make a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal or fail to correct a false statement of material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer;…(3) offer evidence that the lawyer knows to be false.

Brett Kavanaugh, outraged and defiant, lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about a number of matters in the hearing yesterday:

Washington Post:  Here’s where Kavanaugh’s sworn testimony was misleading or wrong

A Republican Supreme Court nominee lied in a Senate confirmation hearing.
A Republican Supreme Court nominee lied in a Senate confirmation hearing.
A Republican Supreme Court nominee lied in a Senate confirmation hearing.

Forget about the allegations of sexual misconduct. Forget about the chronic drinking. Forget about any other suspected behavior. Forget about all of that and focus only on that one sentence:

A Republican Supreme Court nominee lied in a Senate confirmation hearing.

The drama continues, with Jeff Flake’s equivocation leading to a request for an FBI investigation strictly limited to the incident with Christine Blasey Ford. If Mark Judge agrees to talk to the FBI, which he may not, it is expected that he will continue to maintain no memory of it. The limited scope insures he won’t be asked about any other matters concerning Kavanaugh.

The Republican fix is in, the leadership has been clear on that, and relenting on a limited investigation doesn’t change that.

Instead, just look back and forth between that sentence and every Republican in office who demonstrates spineless disregard for American values and norms. Every citizen, every lawyer, every decent American should look. Look at those Republicans, then look at this:

A Republican Supreme Court nominee lied in a Senate confirmation hearing.