Lincoln: Why I’m not supporting Trump or voting for him after his criminal conviction. In fact, take my name off the Republican Party.

by Bob Schwartz

It shouldn’t surprise you that after Trump’s criminal conviction, I’m not going to be supporting him or voting for him in the 2024 election.

It shouldn’t surprise you because…I’m dead! For those who say I am turning in my grave or crying, same thing.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t advise those in the Republican Party, since that was my party. Literally, “the party of Lincoln”.

I was never known to use much vulgar language, even when I lost my temper. Though times and politics have changed—not necessarily for the better—you won’t hear me say what I might say to these Republicans if I had 21st century sensibilities: What the **** is wrong with you!?

Current Republicans have missed everything I stood for. I was never an angel above politics. That’s not how you win two presidential elections. But I was a person and leader of principle. The Republican Party, the one prepared to nominate a convicted criminal whose crime was to subvert an election, is taking a torch to those principles. American principles, constitutional principles, principles of justice, principles of decent behavior, in and out of office.

I want out. I am begging the Republican Party to renounce me. Stop calling it “the party of Lincoln”. Please take my name off. I may be dead, but I hope my spirit lives on. Just not, apparently, in the Republican Party.

© 2024 by Abraham Lincoln